Digital Gold

'James Viggiano - How the Lightning Network is Disrupting Online Payments

Episode Summary

James is an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast and analyst who has written numerous articles and created videos that help others understand the nuances of this ever-evolving industry. He is the founder of Unspent Capital and the co-founder of Cryptosaver. Cryptosaver is an investment platform for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and is designed to make it easy for users to purchase cryptocurrency and track gains on their investments. In this episode of the podcast, James and JP discuss what the theory behind unspent capital is. They discuss the learning curve that comes with bitcoin and how it requires a mindset change to truly understand the value that comes with it. They also discuss the way in which crypto is related to energy and renewable energy specifically.

Episode Notes

[00:01:09] How did you get into crypto?

[00:02:20] What aspect of crypto are you most involved with?

[00:02:52] How did you get into trading crypto and what coins are you involved in?

[00:04:07] What is Huddle and how does it work?

[00:05:13] Can you explain what the lightning network is?

[00:06:25] How much interest can you gain in one year with one bitcoin?

[00:08:58] Can you explain further what the lightning network is?

[00:10:24] How do you approach buying Bitcoin?

[00:12:53] What are your thoughts on Bitcoin leaderboards?

[00:13:53] The monetization of energy and electricity. 

[00:15:47] Inflation and how it relates to the crypto space.

[00:17:05] Renewable energy as it relates to bitcoin mining. 

[00:18:37] Why is Bitcoin the best storage of wealth?

[00:21:56] Thoughts on Taproot?

[00:23:43] Do you think something like Defi will eventually happen with Bitcoin?

[00:25:50] Have you heard of interest bearing Bitcoin wrapper by Badger Finance?

[00:28:13] Explanation of the potential different layers of Bitcoin.

[00:30:54] Where do you recommend people go to learn about Bitcoin?

[00:33:12] Do you mine Bitcoin or have you ever mined Bitcoin?

[00:35:46] Do you see Bitcoin as a credit default swap on sovereign wealth?

[00:38:32] How does Bitcoin help us track time?

[00:41:06] Final thoughts.

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